tennis sport for a
healthy lifestyle
Tennis at any level is fun, social, competitive, healthy & part of our community- it can truly be anything you want it to be. Join Now
memberships for everyone welcome Take a look at our membership options and join us today - what are you waiting for? Join Now playing Playing with family & friends And making new friends along the way, is always fun, and is something that tennis is great at providing. Join Now


To Lodsworth Tennis Association

Our tennis association was founded in 1984 by a team of locals

all whom had a passion for the sport.

We are based at the foot of the Southdowns National Park,

one of the most picturesque areas of the country and are an

ideal club for families, the more advanced & novice memberships.

Our Latest Photos

just some of our members and fun days on the court

Court Review

unique construction

Extensive upgrades and thorough maintenance have made our court a modern comfortable place for playing

  • Re-surfaced with an open light grade macadam surface 3 years ago
  • Yearly maintenance program in place that will prolong the life of the court surface
  • Please ensure correct tennis trainers are used at all times
  • No sports other than tennis to be played on the court as surface can be damaged
Book A Court Book A Court

Association Membership

Select the best plan

Junior (under 16)

A great entry to tennis – Juniors must be less than 16 years old as at 1st May in the year of membership

Single Adult

Perfect for anyone over 16 years of age – this is our single adult membership option


A great option for budding tennis families and our most popular & cost effective option

Contact Us


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